Monday, November 3, 2014


Through our mixers and philanthropy events we all get to spend a good amount of time with each other. However, sometimes every girl just needs some girl time! That's the reason for sisterhood events! We normally try to have one to two every month. What's better than some quantity time with the people you love most?!

One sisterhood event we had last year was Build-A-Bear. We each got into groups of four and made our own Build-A-Bear making a contest of who made the best one. This was one of my favorite events because it brought all of our inner childhood out!

Meet Jack! 

Each year we have a sleepover at our sorority house the first weekend school starts! This allows our newest pledge class to get to know each of us better and allows all of us to spend fun time together after a stressful week with recruitment and the first week of classes.  

After our sleepover the following morning this year, we all went tubing in the Smoky Mountain River. Props to our Sisterhood Chair for this event because it was such a cool experience! We floated down the river for at least three hours jumping off cliffs, laughing, talking, and soaking up some sun! 

Our most recent event was the Haunted Corn Maze! I love scary things so I was definitely all about this event! It was so much fun seeing which of our sisters were the brave ones and which ones were the type to be scared of their own shadow.

Michael Myers Loved Him Some Sigma Kappa Girls!

After us all holding on to each other so tight while we went through the maze, I can honestly say I've never felt so close to my sisters before!

We even do sisterhood events during the summer for the girls who are still in Knoxville. This included many, many lake days together!

"The tans will fade but the memories will last forever."

What's the lake without some bridge and cliff jumping too?!

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

You can't forget about our pool days together either!

Our sisterhood is the root and foundation of our sorority. We are each others backbone, support system, and biggest fans. 

Some people say people in Greek life pay for their friends, well if that's true, then I'm not paying nearly enough. 


  1. I love this! Everything you all do looks like so much fun, and you can tell through the pictures that you all are actually enjoying each other. Some people think that sisterhood events are just something that we "have" to do, but they are fun. And what better way to get to know each other than a haunting corn maze or something like that? I'm sure you all learned things about each of your sisters that you had never even thought of before, which is so cool. I love the sisterhood events that y sorority does, but we have not done the crazy stuff you guys have done. I'm going to have to make some suggestions!

  2. I am also in a sorority here at the University of Tennessee. I’ve always loved doing sisterhood events, and I think they are a great way to bring everyone closer together. Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that we are all in the same sorority and settle into our certain friend groups. I liked learning about the different events you guys hold in order to keep everyone included. I really liked that even in the summer, you guys find a way to stay connected. It goes to show that sororities really do share a special bond and we truly care about the relationships we form and intend to keep.
